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NAME OF DISQUISITION: An Application of Metrics to
The Comparison of
Complete Gamma Function Solution Algorithms
DATE OF WRITING: 8 July 2009 ( nominal )
LENGTH: 207 A4 Pages at Times New Roman
ILLUSTRATIONS: Numerous Plots and Other Diagrams
TABLES: 28 ( excluding those in appendices )
FILENAME: amgamma-compressed.pdf

An analytical and experimental study was undertaken to assess how
theoretical and experimental code and performance metrics might
assist the choice of published Complete Gamma Function ( CGF ) solution algorithms,
or inform the development of new CGF methods.
Accuracy, speed and component timing statistics were computed for thirteen methods
or method variations, and new empirical metrics proposed.
Empirical metrics and component time profiles disclosed significant algorithm properties
and assisted coding optimisations. Halstead metrics did not apply, but code token ratios
correlated with other CGF algorithm features.
Further research could involve recently discovered
Elliptic, Laplacian or Zeta Function avenues.

A book-length draft publication of 2.42 megabytes.

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NAME OF DISQUISITION: Beyond Tourist Britain
DATE OF WRITING: 22 March 2010 ( nominal )
LENGTH: 413 A4 Pages at Times New Roman
ILLUSTRATIONS: 139 color photographs and 1 monochrome engraving
FILENAME: btb-compressed.pdf

Some of the less well-known features of Britain ( and a statue in Ireland )
are illustrated and described with reference to their historical context,
especially their technological, industrial and social settings.
All of the photographs were taken by the author, and date from around
the year 2005.
Accordingly, several photographs are out-of-date,
due to demolitions or other alterations.
A book-length draft publication of nearly thirteen megabytes.

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Header Photograph:
Bridge Foot and East Mill, Belper, Derbyshire, England
Seen from SK 3458147941, The Triangle
at 12:48 on Monday 11 July 2005

Compiled: 30 March 2019
Last Revision: 30 March 2019
Revision: 1.0