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Welcome, Friend

There is an old joke that I fear shall play on me in its fullest literality. When I was fifteen I knew everything and was amazed at the confusion and perplexity about me. When I went to university I found there were gaps in my knowledge but confidently considered that they would fill. When I was thirty I learned there was no possible system to subsume all knowledge, and by the time I was fifty I knew only that knowing is impossible.

So what of that greater question: Can we know God?

Much has been written of the Sea of Faith since Arnold mourned its withdrawal as his wife and he heard it roar away in the Dover night. For me, my faith in Christ is a great exploration where remarkable discoveries, and even strange new creatures, beset every prospect. Balboa knew he beheld a new sea, and Newton combed his beach beside an ocean he knew he could not navigate, but it lies to us to contemplate a great expanse of inscrutability, refulgent and sublime, eternal yet of no time, serene and strewn with the wreckage of libraries.

There is no art of man; scientific, doctrinal or philosophical which can define reality, for all systems consummate in contradiction and incompleteness. All we can do is live, love, trust, believe and strive to know Our Savior personally, you may say subjectively, so that at the end we may say, not I know this or I found that: But "I have been there, done that, got the tee-shirt".

It is important to remember that The Cross is about the transcendence of suffering and that we are suffering together. I try to remember to pray not only for my human family and friends but also for the waterfowl, rats, squirrels and other small creatures I see about. For they suffer and yet are innocent of evil, so if indeed there is The Resurrection of the Flesh then assuredly these last shall be first.

I hope that you enjoy this selection of my religious writings and the pictures that accompany them, and I hope they stimulate you further to contribute your own theories and experiences to this limitless, and most perilous, of all reconnaissances. But most of all I hope they inspire you to fly closer to The Feet of Salvation, whether by a picometer or a parsec.

           A Study of Paradox and Irresolvable Issues

           The Infinite Unknowing
           Date of Writing:  24 August 2008

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           Light-hearted writings celebrating beauty most of which were
           ( With the exception of The Tree of Snails )
           originally published in the British magazine Quaker Forum.
           Children of God was published in The Friends' Quarterly.

           Bunhill Fields
           Dates of Writing:  11-12 January 1998

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           The Tree of Snails
           Date of Writing:  10 May 1998

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           The Voyage of the Sigismondo
           Dates of Writing:  1-3 June 1998

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           Children of God
           Date of Writing:  29 July 1998

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           The Shining Embassy of Alopen
           Date of Writing:  24 October 1998

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           Catching Creatures
           Date of Writing:  13 February 1999

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           These essays were written in the Autumn of 1999 or Winter of 2000.
           They concern the existential unknowables Freedom, Justice and Salvation.
           Christ made me understand the portent of his Message regarding Freedom,
           but had nothing to say of Justice: Perhaps it is the purview of another
           Agent, who is keeping his counsel.

           Eclipse in Mexico
           Date of Writing:  9 September 1999

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           Date of Writing:  30 October 1999

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           Perdition's Illusion
           Date of Writing:  11 March 2000

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           Short essays about courage, humility and self-denial
           ( virtues of which, alas, I am especially innocent )

           More Things I Cannot Really Understand
           Date of Writing:  17 October 1997

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           Some Delightful Things
           Date of Writing:  24 October 1997

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           The Fishes of Rimini
           Date of Writing:  2 December 2000

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           Was Juniper a Woodentop?
           Date of Writing:  8 December 2000

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           The Road to Bedford Gaol
           Date of Writing:  26 February 2001

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           A Light Outwith
           Date of Writing:  3 March 2002

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           The author is a diabetic myasthenic.
           In 2008 he became seriously ill, and in the
           Autumn wrote a series of essays of spiritual counsel
           to be read after his death.
           In January 2009 the Author's condition was stabilised
           by radical surgery and by taking the drug pyridostigmine.
           Some of the more helpful writings are presented here.
           The Author is alive in April 2013.

           Date of Writing:  24 August 2008

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           How To Cherish
           Date of Writing:  5 December 2008

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           Suitable for narrowband users, or broadband users who merely require an impression
          of the illustrated scenes, a download of all nine pictures will take about three
          minutes with a 56Kbit modem or about fifteen seconds with ADSL

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          Practicable for broadband users, a high-resolution download of all nine photographs
          will take about one and a half minutes.
          Using a 56Kbit modem downloads will take about seven minutes.

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