The Greater Question
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Picture 1
The Slea Head Crucifixion
Fehan, Kerry, Ireland

As seen on  16 April 2000

Any words I choose will seem banal beside the splendor of this scene. I will mearly remark that at the end of Europe's fleshly roads we are reminded that higher paths continue. Dingle Bay, the famous haunt of the late and much loved Fungie, glistens in the Vernal sun to set the scene.

     Cartographic Coordinates
     X:-1163800m Y:6784100m    52:05:52N,10:27:18W

Picture 2
The Slea Head Crucifixion
Fehan, Kerry, Ireland

As seen on  16 April 2000

An opposite, Westward, view of the magnificent Slea Head Scene toward The Blasket Isles and the Atlantic Ocean.

     Cartographic Coordinates
     X:-1163800m Y:6784100m    52:05:52N,10:27:18W

Picture 3
The Notional Grave of William Blake
and his Sister Catherine
Bunhill Fields, London

As seen on  12 April 2001

No heretic could be buried in consecrated ground and Bunhill Fields was an extramural dumping ground, first used to bury plague victims. Besides Blake; Bunyan, Defoe, and many other giants of non-conformist history grace this ground beneath the splendid trees which withstood Hitler's bombs with contempt. Also buried here are Buxton, the humanitarian, and Bayes the mathematician with maybe a hundred and fifty thousand others. I nearly forgot to mention that it also harbors our very own George Fox! Milton wrote much of Paradise Lost in Artillery Row, the street which bounds the cemetery on the West, and is himself intramurally buried at St Gile's within The Barbican, about a kilometer to the South.

     Cartographic Coordinates
     X:532700m Y:182300m    51:31:26N,0:05:20W    TQ326822

Picture 4
The Grave of John Bunyan
Bunhill Fields, London

As seen on  12 April 2001

Riding from Reading, the aging author of Pilgrim's Progress caught cold and died. His mortal residue waits here.

     Cartographic Coordinates
     X:532700m Y:182300m    51:31:26N,0:05:20W    TQ326822

Picture 5
Stevington Church
Bedfordshire, England

As seen on  8 April 2001

A Saxon foundation with extensive Tudor remodeling but little altered since Bunyan's day.

     Cartographic Coordinates
     X:499000m Y:253600m   52:10:20N,0:33:12W   SP990536

Picture 6
St Bridget's Holy Well
Stevington, Bedfordshire, England

As seen on  8 April 2001

The famous "sepulcer" into which Christian's sack of sin rolls in the opening pages of Pilgrim's Progress

     Cartographic Coordinates
     X:499000m Y:253600m   52:10:20N,0:33:12W   SP990536

Picture 7
The Sigismondo at Stromboli
As seen on  27 May 1998

This motor ketch brought my Father and I to the Italian island. It is seen on the eve of its starlit Voyage

     Cartographic Coordinates
     X:1697500m Y:4666500m   38:48:05N,15:14:57W

Picture 8
St Peter's Church War Memorial
Walsall, England

As seen on  6 November 2001

Dead fighters of World War One and The Falklands War of 1982 nestle in name at the Feet of The Living Christ on this moving token of remembrance.

     Cartographic Coordinates
     X:401000m Y:299400m   52:35:33N,1:59:10W   SP010994

Picture 9
The Christ of the War Memorial
St Peter's Church, Walsall, England

As seen on  6 November 2001

Superb art and materials crafted with manifest faith in a very obscure place.

     Cartographic Coordinates
     X:401000m Y:299400m   52:35:33N,1:59:10W   SP010994